Wednesday, June 29, 2011

C o U p O n I n G . . .

A couple of months ago there was a chance that the goverment could shut down. If this happened it would have meant that Aaron wouldn't get paid till the shut down ended. Luckily it didn't shut down; however, it did make me think about making sure we had a stock pile of supplies just in case anything like this actually did happen. Living on a private first class budget is not easy, so we had to find a way to buy supplies without spending retail price. Hello TLC Extreme Couponing show. Aaron and I agreed that I could do that, maybe not as extreme but with help from couponing we could start our own stock pile of supplies. On Monday I cut, and organize all our coupons. I look through all the stores weekly sales and match up our coupons. I visit blogs to make sure I haven't missed anything and finally write a list of the best deals for that week. This week was a good week for our stock pile. Target: Gillette Deodorant $4.07 ~ buy one get one free coupon = 2 for $4.07. Bic Flex 4 Razors (3 pack) on sale for $4.49 ~ 2 $3 off coupon = 2 packs for $2.98. Edge and Skintimate Shave Gel $1.99 each on sale ~ 2 .55cents off coupons = 2 for $2.88. Nail File $2.89 ~ 2 $5 off coupon when buy 2 = 4 for $1.56. Nail Clipper $2.24 ~ $5 off coupon when buy 2 = 2 for free. Tweezer $2.24 ~ $5 off coupon when buy 2 = 2 for free. CVS: Hydro 3 razor $9.29 and Hydro 3 refills $8.99 both on sale buy one get one free ~ 3 $4 off coupons on razors and 1 $2 off coupon on refills = 3 razors and 1 refill for $6.11 (at CVS you can apply coupons to the price item and the free item resulting in big savings.) Walgreens: Reach multipack toothbrushes $2.99 on sale plus you recieve 1 $2 off coupon for your next transaction at walgreens ~ 3 $2 off coupon = 3 for $2.97 plus a $2 off coupon for my next transaction at walgreens. Colgate Total Toothpaste $3.29 buy one get one free ~ 2 $1 off coupon = 2 for $1.29 (at walgreens you can also apply coupons to the price item and the free item.)

Total Retail Price $106.74
Our Price after sales and coupons $24.95 : )

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I am so getting into this and have been learning about how to coupon! I can't believe you are doing it too! How cool! Keep sharing your tips!
